Fotografic imaging

Prints are made on high grade photografic media senzitized by three lasers (red-green-blue). The resulting print is the highest quality available for photos exhibitions.

We recommend image optimization before the production of a perfect photografic print.


Large photo prints

prints are made using a Durst lambda digital photo produces a true continuous tone and highy detailed image for your photos exhibitions.

* no prints dots and continuous tone image without banding
* large color gamut & high gradation producing intense black en bright colors.
* normal exposure to indoor light sources causes no fading for 100 years.

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Small photos

prints are made by a Fuji Frontier digital printer.

This produces an outstanding quality for small size prints thanks to the association of a high quality capture.

from 10x15cm to 25x38cm, and all intermediates sizes on matte or gloss Fuji paper

Fotografic imaging Image 2



Any questions?

Take advantage of our experience, ask for advice, our team will assist you in the realisation of your projects.
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